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Latest message from Pete Ackerley

I’m pleased to update that following lockdown easing rules changes made by the Scottish government, limited American football activity is now permitted once again for our members in Scotland.

What’s changing?
With effect from today, the following is now allowed:

  • Members aged 12 years and older – 2m physically distanced group activity or exercise only for a maximum of 15 people per group, including coaches. Ball transfer (eg, passing activities), is permitted with regular cleaning protocols in place.
  • Members aged U12 – non-contact practice activities or exercise only can resume at BAFA Stage 4. A maximum of 30 people is allowed per group, including coaches.
  • Under 18s may now travel out of their local authority area and into another one for the purposes of attending organised American football activity, if that’s where it normally takes place.

While these are small changes, they are a positive step forward for our members in Scotland and hopefully the sign of increasing normality for outdoor sports on the horizon.

You can find updated BAFA Stage 4 community club guidance for Scotland, and a revised activity levels checker on the Covid-19 section of the BAFA website.

Meanwhile, we will continue to follow updates from the Welsh government on their lockdown easing plans, and work towards finalising our return to play guidance for England in readiness for planned changes for outdoor sporting activity being confirmed as coming into force at the end of this month.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact, and I will continue to keep you updated over the coming weeks.
