Insurance cover is a significant benefit that we deliver to our members and we have worked closely with Marsh Sport to create a bespoke package of benefits, with the aim to provide further support to our members in the event of injury. Full details of the coverage and the terms and conditions can be found on our new insurance microsite:
The policy summary be be viewed here.
There may be cases where people wish to take out enhanced coverage, whether for themselves or for their equipment. All players should consider taking out enhanced coverage which could cover items such as long-term physio care and loss of earnings.
Ensuring that equipment is fitted properly is crucial in ensuring that the risk of injury is minimised. Coaches are provided with an induction into fitting equipment as part of the Level 1 Coaching Qualification. People who purchase equipment are advised to read and file the various pieces of documentation which come with the equipment. Additional information can often be found on manufacturer’s websites.
It is required that all clubs keep a record of any accidents and ensure that details of all accidents, injuries and incidents are recorded, both in terms of on-field activity and wider club-sanctioned activity. This will enable you to provide written evidence regarding the circumstances, nature and extent of any injuries sustained.
Making a Claim
To make a personal accident claim, you must complete this personal accident form and return it to :
Aviva Insurance
4th Floor
The Observatory
Chapel Walks
M2 1HL
For any legal liability claim, please email any correspondence to or telephone 0345 872 5060 (mon to fri 9am to 5pm)

Risk Assessments
All activity undertaken by clubs, be it on the field or off, should be subject to robust risk assessment procedures as part of a commitment to Health and Safety. Undertaking a Risk Assessment means taking a systematic approach to looking at what could cause harm to people. By assessing risk, you know where potential problems and dangers lie, and can, therefore, take measures to prevent them.
BAFA requests teams undertake Risk Assessments for the following:
- Facilities
- Equipment
- Travel
- Activity