Free industry-recognised Covid-19 training now available for BAFA clubs
Monday, November 30, 2020
To be completed by all Club Covid-19 Officers and Team Leads
Sport England and CIMSPA have funded the commission of an industry-recognised ReActivate Covid-19 Awareness Award that is now available free of charge to all BAFA clubs.
Made up of several different modules, the award is designed to ensure that BAFA club staff are suitably trained to deliver their roles in the safest possible way for themselves and for participants. It covers a number of important topics, including health and safety, communication, risk assessment, volunteer engagement and effective coaching during Covid-19.
All clubs are encouraged to take advantage of this resource even where activity is limited or suspended in their home nation, as this is an excellent opportunity to get ready for a future return to activity.
Action required by clubs
This training is mandatory for all designated BAFA Club Covid-19 Officers and recommended for all Covid-19 Team Leads and any coaches leading activity, and supersedes any other equivalent training completed.
Completion of this training will be tracked by BAFA as certificates should be loaded up within the GoMembership! system as an individual qualification for approval.
On completion of this training, Club Covid-19 officers should also upload a copy of their club’s Return to Play Risk Assessment in the GoMembership! system, where it will be reviewed. Where clubs have teams returning to play in different facilities, a separate Return to Play Risk Assessment should be uploaded for each team.
Clubs in Wales and Scotland
Clubs in Wales and Scotland should note that while the majority of content featured in this learning module is applicable in their nation, some of the information contained refers to guidance applicable to England only. Clubs in Wales and Scotland should adhere to their own specific home nation guidance, particularly on topics such as minimum physical distancing. Club Covid-19 Officers in Scotland should also complete the sportscotland Covid-19 e-learning module and club Covid-19 officers in Wales should also complete the Covid-19 awareness training for the sport and recreation sector.
How to access the training
- Go to
- Click ‘Not registered? Select a plan’
- Select the plan that best suits your role (front line coaching, managing and maintaining a facility or both – front line coaching is most appropriate for BAFA Covid-19 officers, even if they are not also coaches).
Once you’ve completed the signup process and logged in you will be taken straight to your dashboard, which gives you an overview of the training available to you and your progress so far. To view all the modules, please navigate to the library section.
You will now see all of the modules that make up the award. Each module has several resources you will need to work through as well as knowledge check you will have to pass, the knowledge check will unlock once all associated resources have been completed. The complete training will take around 2-4 hours to complete but does not need to be undertaken in a single session.
When you complete the knowledge check for every module, you will be emailed a link to your certificate. You can also access this by clicking the certificates button on the top menu.
If you have any technical or content-based questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Reactivate Support team on
If you have any other questions, please email